Sunday 2 February 2014

February has arrived!

Hello students & parents,

Thank you for checking back in! Please read below for some important reminders & updates.


- I will be absent this week on Wed AM & Friday for workshops. Next week, I will be absent Tuesday & Wed AM for more workshops. As I am on a few committees, sometimes the workshops happen all at once. 

- pledge forms have been sent out for the Much Music dance on Feb 10! Thank you in advance for fundraising for our school. Thank you to CSAC for organizing this event!

- Reports go home Feb 11. As always, please feel free to contact me regarding any questions!

- Monday February 17 is Family Day, so no school. Enjoy your family time!

- thank you for sending EXACT change for pizza, subway, trips. It really helps out!

- the students are now blogging on: Please check out the blog and comment on students' posts- they would LOVE that! If possible, please get other family members and friends to comment as well- thank you! Please talk to your child about the importance of EDITING their posts by checking spelling before they submit!!

- we are focusing on Black History in Language/Media for the month of February and will be using these sites often for lessons, discussions & assignments: & 

- In Math, we are moving on to Chapter 6- Multiplication & Division and Chapter 7- 2D Geometry for the month of February. Please continue to sign your child's assessments & encourage them to use Nelson Online for extra reinforcement and attend extra help workshops when needed. Most students who attend our lunch workshops have a much better understanding of the lessons as it is a smaller group and they can clear up any questions they have. They also improve their grades so it is a win win!

- We will be beginning new units in our Social Sciences. In Science, we will be studying Space and in Social Studies, we will be studying First Nations once we have completed Canada's Trading Partners. For these subjects, the students have completed online Edmodo quizzes so please take the time to check how your child is doing! Also, please check Edmodo often for assignments and discussions. 

- In Health, we continue to explore what healthy living means and we use Edmodo for the majority of our discussion and assignments. 

- In Religion, we also continue to explore our virtues of the month and we link these to various drama activities. The students recently worked on a drama skit involving their puppets about courage. 

It looks like we have 6 more weeks of winter so please dress warm students! Forget fashion!! Stay warm :)

Thank you for reading!

Mrs Massaro