Sunday 20 January 2013

Back in Action!

Hello students & parents!

I was so happy to be back to class with the students all week, virus free (mostly)! We had a very productive week & we are on track for a fabulous 2013! Please continue to check this blog for weekly updates & 'Follow by Email' on the blog if you haven't done so already as the blog updates will then be sent to your email.

We will be using a FLIPPED CLASSROOM approach more this term, so it is important that your child uses Edmodo to view videos and read articles BEFORE the class follow up discussion and work. Flipped Classroom is essentially having the students view the lesson at home through Edmodo and spending in class time discussing and working on follow up activities. The Flipped Classroom is considered a successful educational method and is strongly encouraged to implement in the classroom, which is why we are going to give it a try!


- Please bring in your Subway form & $5 by Wednesday this week if you wish to order- healthy yum!

- Health Edmodo/Bitstrips assignment due Monday. Bitstrips is an online program, which allows students to create online comics linked to what we are studying in class.

- Tic Tac Toe Language project & presentations due Friday February 1st! TTT is posted in the Language group on Edmodo- please take time to look it over as it is a big project!

- Reports go home Monday, February 11th!

- Interviews:  Thursday February 14th, 5:30-8:30pm and Friday February 15th, 8:30-11:30am.


- In Math, we completed Chapter 4 this week with a final test on Friday- results coming soon but I was happy to hear that many students felt great about the test :) We are starting Chapter 7, 2-D Geometry this week.  Below are some links to help with this chapter- please review with your children- especially the videos! - practice Ch. 7 lessons. - practice lessons under 'Geometry'. - video on polygons. - video on quadrilaterals. - video on angles. - practice lessons under 'Geometry'.

- In Language, we continue to use Daily 5 and link it to what we are studying in reading and writing.  I must congratulate the students as when I was absent, the supply teachers wrote raving reviews about how well the students worked during Daily 5- I am so proud of them! Below is a list of what we are doing in Daily 5, followed by pictures of the activities:

Read to Self/Others:  after a class read aloud on a book about courage & discussion about courage- our virtue of the month, students chose books from their bins or the class library, which linked to courage and wrote a reflection about why the story demonstrated courage.

Listen to Reading:  Tumble Books online reading & listening to reading.

Work on Writing:  students are working on a persuasive paper about a new technology idea or video game.  They are currently working on creating an outline based on their brainstorming and they are conferencing with me before writing their first draft. Students are also eagerly working on their pen pal letters.

Word Work:  students are investigating the 6 Aboriginal cultural areas/groups, which we are studying in Social Studies, by researching different facts.




- In Health, we have started the unit on substance use and abuse.  Through the use of Edmodo, students are reading articles on alcohol, cigarettes and peer pressure and are working on reflections and online comics through Bitstrips, which show how to say no!

- In the Social Sciences, we have also started new units- First Nations and Space.  As mentioned above, the students will be learning much about these units in class but also on Edmodo, so it is important for students to be on Edmodo every night if possible so that they are prepared for the follow up activities in class. In Social Studies, we have been reading First Nation legends and the deeper meaning. Students presented legends they found online and described the lesson/moral of the story to the class. In Science, we watched a couple of short video clips on space, although we struggled with technology working- but we did our best!

- In Religion, we are investigating what courage means through different activities in many subject areas.

- In Art, we are working on creating 6 word memoirs, which tell our life story.  The students are really enjoying this activity and we are learning so much about each other at the same time! I can't wait for the final results!!

- To welcome 2013, students filled in 2012 reflections and 2013 goals! During interviews, take time to read their wonderful goals outside the classroom!

Thank you for reading and have a wonderful week!

Mrs Massaro :)