Tuesday 7 January 2014

Happy 2014!

Hello students and parents and welcome back!

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas, despite the ice storm! I wanted to thank you all for the thoughtful Christmas cards and the generous gifts- it is much appreciated!

We are all looking forward to a productive rest of the year and I hope that you all continue to check this blog often to ensure that you are aware of what dates are coming up and what we are learning in the class.

Some updates for the next month:

- In  Math, we are reviewing Chapter 4 Addition and Subtraction and moving on to Chapter 5 Measurement. Please encourage your child to practice each lesson by working on the corresponding lessons on Nelson Online- these activities are always posted on Edmodo. Students should also continue to go on Sum Dog as the games on this site reinforce the Math we are learning in class.

- In Language, we are continuing to work on Digital Citizenship in Media and students will be creating their own viral video about their digital footprint in the next month or so. In Reading, we are now looking at the comprehension strategy 'Asking Questions' and reviewing 'Determining Important Ideas' and 'Making Connections'. Students are given 30-60 minutes most days to read from their book bins during Daily Cafe and work on comprehension strategies and conference in small strategy groups with me. In Writing, students continue to conference with their peers and myself on the writing process.

I am very excited to announce that very soon, students will be creating their own personal blog entries through a great site- www.kidblog.org. I will be posting topics once a week and students will reply to these posts. Please check out your child's blog posts and comment if possible! This will encourage creativity and strong reading and writing skills for your child! A form regarding this site will be sent home this week- please sign and return back as soon as possible- thank you!

- In Science, students will be finally presenting their Biomes project using Blendspace presentation technology this week! I know the students have worked hard on this project, so I am looking forward to seeing the final results! Students worked on both self and peer evaluations earlier this week. We will continue with Biodiversity this month with a final test towards the end of January.

- In Social Studies, students continue to learn about Canada's connections to other countries, specifically in terms of trade. Your child will continue to complete Edmodo quizzes every 2-3 weeks on the recent lessons discussed in class. Please look out for weekly assignments that your child should be working on.

- In Health, we continue to look at what healthy living means and many discussions and assignments take place on Edmodo, so please check often.

- In Religion, we are looking at the virtue of courage this month and will be using the amazing puppets that the students made before the Christmas break to create short dramatizations of what courage means.

Finally, the students are presenting their New Year goals this Friday using an online presentation technology called Blendpace. We are officially on the technology train!!

Please check Edmodo at least weekly to make sure your child is completing all necessary work! As always, feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

Stay warm!

Mrs Massaro