Sunday 13 April 2014


Hello students & parents!

As you may have already noticed, we are starting our EQAO prep as EQAO will take place the last week of May. There will be practice EQAO questions taken from previous tests of EQAO in both Language & Math and these practice questions will be posted on EDMODO each week. As a class, we will go over the practice questions for the week and I will show them sample answers & grades that were actually given on these tests. Please support your child by making sure they go on Edmodo often & work in these EQAO Language and EQAO Math groups! Students, this is your second secret quest to make sure you are reading the blog carefully- send me a private message on Edmodo telling me what chapter we will be studying in Math the week of May 12. These practice questions on Edmodo are also graded, so please encourage your child to do their absolute best!

We will also be focusing thoroughly on 1-2 chapters of Math each week until end of May and small assessments will take place each week, so please take a look often at what your child is learning & how they are doing. The schedule will look something like this:

Week of April 14 & April 21:  complete chapter 6 & work on chapters 9 & 10

Week of April 28- chapter 11

Week of May 5- chapter 12

Week of May 12- chapter 13

Week of May 19- chapter 14 & review

For the reasons above, it is so important that your child be at school if they are able to during the next few weeks! Thank you for your support always! 

Mrs Massaro