Saturday 15 September 2012


Hello students & parents,

On Edmodo and on this blog, I will be referencing useful websites which you can find on the right side of this blog under 'Must See Websites'.  We will be using these websites and more throughout the year to reinforce what we are learning in the class at home as well, so please encourage your child to visit these sites often!

Below is a brief description of our 'Must See Websites' so far:


IXL, Create a Graph, Math Playground, Nelson Math- all of these sites allow the students to choose their grade level and a strand in Math to practice, for example- division.

 Math Playground also has videos showing specific Math lessons.

Nelson Math is an excellent website as there are additional practice questions and games for each lesson that is taught in class.  Students, try out more questions and games by clicking on the lesson number for each chapter in the Student Centre.  Parents, there is also workbook answers in the Parent Centre so you can help your child with their homework!


Spelling City allows students to work on their vocabulary by entering words they learned in class and playing a variety of games using these words. 

TumbleBook Library accessed through the Toronto Public Library by clicking 'TumbleBook Library- access online' contains hundreds of books that are read to you as you read along & hundreds of books that you read online, including books in various languages.

On Storyline Online, students select a story that is read to them (with visuals) by a voice actor. 

The Stacks-Scholastic offers a large database of book reviews, book trailors, author spotlights and more.


Kids National Geographic and Time For Kids are interesting sites to explore current and global news with pictures and videos.


Brain POP and Fun Brain are sites with games and practice in all subject areas.

Dance Mat Typing allows students to practice and master their typing skills.

Khan Academy offers many videos of lessons in various subject areas.