Saturday 15 September 2012


Hello students & parents,

I would like to share with you a GREAT tech app called WORD Q

WORD Q assists students in their writing with a computerized voice that reads aloud their typed words and gives them prompts for correcting grammar/spelling.  This program is also able to predict the words that you are about to type and reads the entire sentence/paragraph once you finish the sentence.  WORD Q is extremely useful for students working on editing in the writing process and for students who struggle with spelling and grammar. 

WORD Q is FREE!!!  Download from this site:  Download WORD Q from the site (not SPEAK Q) and please contact me at or check on EDMODO for the activation key (password) in order for WORD Q to work.

Please take a look at this video showing how WORD Q works:

Please feel free to contact me if you have any problems downloading WORD Q as it is a very useful tech app to have on your computer.


Mrs. Massaro