Thursday 6 December 2012

For the love of BYOD & snow!

Hello students & parents!

Christmas is just around the corner- are you ready?? It was amazing to see a couple of our new students' reactions to seeing snow for the first time! The first snowfall is always so beautiful!

I want to begin this post with a congratulations to the students for successfully participating in our first BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) day! They were amazing! The students used the technology appropriately and were on task the entire time- so much so that I extended our BYOD period. The students were researching for their Social Studies Trading Partner project and working on PowerPoints, bristol boards etc.  Thank you as well to the parents for ALL supporting this initiative!  We will definitely book another BYOD session in the near future.  Check out the pictures below of our BYOD session:


- Please bring in your Subway form & $5 by Thursday this week if you wish to order- healthy yum!

- Student Council will be selling candy cane grams for $0.25 each or 5 for $1.00 starting Monday! Students will be able to send a student, teacher or staff member a special Christmas note! Proceeds will go towards 'Just Cause', a charity focused on helping the children and families in Uganda who are in need of nutritional, medical and educational supplies.  Thank you for your support!!

- Secret Santa for our class will take place the last school day before Christmas holidays- December 21st. Students are asked to bring in a $5-10 gift on December 19th so that we can ensure all gifts are ready.  Students received their top secret Secret Santa name & a wish list this week so that they have a few gift ideas.  During Art class this coming week, students will be able to decorate a Christmas box to place their Secret Santa gift in so please bring in a box no smaller than a shoe box by Thursday. Please feel free to email me at or call me at school if you have any questions regarding this activity.

- Social Studies Trading Partner group presentations will take place on Wednesday! Students will need to let me know if they will require a projector for their presentation by Monday.  Each group will complete a self evaluation and will also be evaluated by their peers. Good luck students!

- Math Ch. 5 final test will take place on Wednesday. Please review your notes & the links/videos I posted on the last blog update. I will also hold a Math lunch workshop on Tuesday.

- Social Studies final Economics unit test will take place Wednesday December 19th. Students will receive a study guide this week & it will also be posted on Edmodo.


- In Math, we kicked off our measurement chapter with some great videos about polygons, thanks to Khan Academy! We are trying to use the projector as much as we are able to get our hands on it since it is so much better to get a full screen view versus all crowding around a laptop screen! Students are investigating how to calculate perimeter and area for various polygons and are encouraged to practice metric conversions and drawing polygons of different perimeters using a ruler. 

- In Reading, we have started to share class reads on various holidays celebrated around the world, using the comprehension techniques VISUALIZING and MAKING CONNECTIONS. During Daily 5, students choose a holiday book and practice visualizing and making connections in their notebook. 


- In Writing, we have completed narratives and we are moving on to PERSUASIVE writing! Students are really excited about this unit, as am I! We discussed what a persuasive argument is and the different techniques used in successful persuasion.  Students are brainstorming ideas for a new technology or video game and will eventually create advertisements and a persuasive paper for their product.

- In Media, we continue to explore mixed media messages- particularly the follow-up commercial created by GreenPeace after the Dove Evolution commercial was released.  On Edmodo, the students discussed the meaning behind the follow-up commercial and their thoughts on the original Dove commercial as a result.

- In Health, we studied advertising techniques using a milk ad. 

- In Social Studies, students participated in their first BYOD research day as mentioned above.  In Science, students wrote their final Biodiversity unit test- results coming soon!

- In Religion, we are exploring what Charity means and how we can connect this virtue to our personal lives, especially during the Christmas season.


Congratulations to our student of the week, ALEX V & to all raffle winners! Enjoy your day off tomorrow students! I will be attending a 21st Century Symposium and will be eager to share what I have learned with you all next week.

Have an amazing weekend & thanks for reading!

Mrs Massaro