Monday 20 May 2013

Hello sunshine & EQAO!

Hello students & parents and hello warm, sunny weather!

We have been very busy in class preparing for EQAO and working on completing the curriculum for the year. It is getting warmer in the classroom, so please ensure your child is dressed appropriately in lighter clothes and has a water bottle for in class use. Finally, reports are just around the corner, so even though the end of the school year is quickly approaching and the weather is beautiful, please remind your child that we still are in school mode!


- Please check your child's Edmodo account weekly as most of our assignments are done online, especially for Language and Health and are usually due at the end of each week. Grades are on Edmodo as well so please check weekly. Please let me know if you have any trouble finding the grades.

- Social Studies quizzes are taking place in class on Edmodo every Tuesday & Thursday for the next two weeks on the Aboriginal groups. You can check your child's marks by looking at the Social Studies group on Edmodo.

- The students continue to practice EQAO questions on Edmodo each week.

- Final procedural reports on students' Art PBL presentations are due this Friday.

- Math test on Fractions will be going home tomorrow for parent signature. The class average was an A!!! Bravo students!!

- Crowning of Mary Mass will take place Monday May 27th in the afternoon. A few of our students will be participating in readings.

- Blue Jay's Game Tuesday May 28th!! Please keep in mind we will be returning later in the evening. Thank you to Ms Macri for organizing!

- EQAO DATES:  Thursday May 30th, Tuesday June 4th & Wednesday June 5th. Please ensure your child is at school!

- PD DAY:  June 7th.

- Movie trip as a reward for the students' hard work with EQAO prep all year will be June 14th. Thank you to Ms Martino for organizing!

- Play Day is June 13th! Don't forget your sunscreen!!

- Poet's Cafe will be happening in our class mid-end of June, after EQAO. Stay tuned for the date!


- In Math, we have now completed chapters 11 and 12 since out last big post.  I have just marked the students Ch. 12 Fraction test and I am so happy that the students did so well as fractions can be challenging! The class average is an A! Way to go students!!  We have now moved on to Ch. 13- Probability. The students had fun the end of last week using cards and dice to experiment with probability! I have posted new probability challenges on Please encourage your child to try a challenge a few times each week for just 10 minutes as it will give them great practice!

See pictures below of our recent Math work:



- In Language, we have completed our Poetry unit and now students are working on producing a final collection of their very own poems to present at Poet's Cafe.  Please take a look at the work your child has done on Edmodo as they have created their own poems and have worked on inferences for each of the poems we have studied. Students are also finalizing their procedural reports, which are on their upcoming Art PBL presentations.

See pictures below of our recent Language work in class:

- In Social Studies, we have completed making notes together as a class on the different Aboriginal groups and early contact with the Europeans. The students are now writing a short Edmodo quiz twice a week in class on each different Aboriginal group. So far, the students have done awesome! Please check how your child has done so far by going on Edmodo with your child. I encourage students to continue to review their study notes carefully and practice different study techniques like the ones listed in the picture below.

- In Science, we recently had a Scientist in the School workshop on Electricity! Check out the pictures below of our fun day:

We are now studying Air & Flight in Science for the rest of the school year. Students will have a chance to test out their own flying devices outside in June!

- In Art, pairs and groups of students are presenting their Art activity on a real world issue. Congratulations to AlexV, Keon and Joshua who presented first on oil spills:

Students also completed abstract paintings for Health on how drugs alter our minds:

Thank you for reading this big update! Enjoy the beautiful weather and have a great week!

Mrs Massaro