Saturday 20 October 2012

Skydives & bittersweet goodbyes!

Hello students & parents!

Please check out this updated October calendar as a few dates have been changed/added:


- Math test is now Wednesday instead of Monday to give the students a couple more days to review. 

- October 26 is NO LONGER dress down day.

- October 30th is dress down day & the Halloween dance- thank you to Mr. Paul for being our DJ & to CSAC for organizing!

- October 31st is Halloween, so wear a costume if you wish!


- School Mass will take place on November 1st @ 9am in the gym.

- Picture Day is November 6th- SMILE :)

- Progress Reports go home Monday November 12.

- Parent/Teacher Interviews:  Thursday November 15th evening & Friday November 16th morning.


- Please continue to bring in Halloween Dance-a-thon $ as it supports our school- thanks!

- Math test is this Wednesday- please review students by practicing Nelson Online & doing practice questions.


- I was absent a day and a half this week as I am on our School Improvement Team, which is a committee that analyzes school data to determine our learning goals for the year.  Thank you to the students for being so wonderful while I was absent!

- In Math, the students continued to work with Ms. O.B on patterning.  The students also completed a post assessment on the 4 steps to problem solving.  This post assessment will be returned to the students on Monday so that they can review their successes and errors prior to the test on Wednesday. I will have a Math lunch workshop on Tuesday for students who wish to clear up a few questions. In order to prepare for the test on Wednesday, I strongly encourage students to review their Math work & visit these sites:

Nelson Online (practice these using 4 step problem solving!!)

- In Language, we continued with our Daily 5, integrating our new CAFE focus!  Ms. O.B and I continued to work with groups of students during Daily 5 on the comprehension strategy- Determining Important Ideas.  We were really impressed with the amazing contributions students made during our strategy groups and equally impressed with how well the other students worked quietly at their Daily 5 station!  Way to go students!!!  Towards the end of the week, I conferenced individually with each student (a few still left to see) about their specific reading goals for their reading responses.  Parents- please sign your child's Reading Workshop notebook this week so that you can see the feedback I have given.  An example of a common reading goal is expanding on your reading responses by adding more specific examples/evidence from the text to support what you have stated. 

Strategy group for Determining Important Ideas

Chosen text & graphic organizer for DII

Success Criteria & sample DII
Daily 5 in action!!
Daily 5 in action!!
Daily 5 & strategy group in action!!

- In Media, we have begun our current news/newspaper unit so the students viewed the video on the SKYDIVE that took place last weekend & completed an online assignment on Edmodo.  Instead of reading a newspaper article & finding the 5 W's (who, what, where, when, why), the students instead were shown the video without any prior discussion and then sent on an online scavenger hunt to find out:
Who is this video about?
When did this happen?
Where did it take place?
What happened?
Why is this news piece important?
Students then submitted their assignment online through Edmodo & they will receive their grade privately through Edmodo.  The students really enjoyed this assignment!  We will continue to view current news through online news sites and the newspaper. 
Viewing the skydive video again through Edmodo
Searching online news sites for the answers to the 5 W's
Working on the online assignment


- In Social Studies & Science, the students continue to study Canada's Trading Partners & Biomes.  The students have been doing very well on their quizzes for these subjects- keep up the great studying students!! 
In Science, the students have signed up for an assignment on biomes & living things through Edmodo.  They are to teach a lesson on one type of biome using one of the following types of technology:  SMART Notebook, PowerPoint, video. 
I am so impressed that so many students want to try out the SMART Notebook! (I will be sharing the SMART Notebook activation key once I test it on my home computer- that way students can access SMART Notebook at home too!) We will be learning about these different technologies in Media as well.  Students are to submit their presentation through Edmodo & the due date is mid November!
- We had a 'see you soon' celebration for Ms. O.B Friday afternoon as she is moving on to a new placement/school.  The students have thoroughly enjoyed having her with us, as have I!  She will be missed but we are also so happy for her as she is one step closer to completing her teaching certification.  We wish her the BEST!!
Good luck Ms. O.B!!
The students scrapbook for Ms. O.B :)
Thank you to Keon & his Dad for bringing in the cake!
Our gift to Ms. O.B
Her goodbye treat & note to the students!



So proud of this group! They completed an amazing Media assignment that they didn't have to do. Such initiative!

Step 1 of Ms. O.B's Halloween Art
Step 2
Step 3
Our Twitter Wall
- Congratulations to our student of the week- MARINA & to all Friday raffle winners!
Have a wonderful week everyone & thanks for reading!
Mrs. Massaro