Tuesday 9 October 2012

Thanks for Thanksgiving!

Hello students & parents!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with lots of great food & company! 

I wanted to thank you all for taking the time to attend our Curriculum Night last week!  I was so happy with the great turnout as it was so nice to touch base with you all & share curriculum plans for the school year.

A few reminders for this week:

- Tomorrow is the last day to bring in October Scholastics orders- please provide a cheque written out to Scholastics.

- Social Studies quiz went home today for parent signature & student correction.

- I will be absent on Thursday as I will be at a workshop, but students will still have a Math Chapter 1 mid chapter quiz- they should prepare by practicing Nelson Online & reviewing lessons 1-4.

- The Science quiz on vertebrates, invertebrates & the kingdoms will be on Friday- students should watch the videos posted on this blog from a previous entry and review their Science notes in order to prepare.

- We will be celebrating 'All About Fall' this Friday with apple & pumpkin activities!

Weekly Update:

- In Math, the students received their Chapter 2 test back & the class average was a B+, which is a great average- way to go students!  There will be a re-test available for students who need it this week once we have a review session at lunch.  Last week, we continued to work on Chapter 1 with Ms. O.B, exploring patterns.  Please see last weeks blog post for useful links to help with this chapter.  As I mentioned in the reminders, there will be a mid chapter quiz this week and a unit test in about a week or so. 

- In Language, we continued the Daily 5 with our final station- WORD WORK.  When students are at this station, there are various Word Work activities to choose from in order to work on expanding their vocabulary.  Some activities include handouts on exploring vocabulary by filling out a graphic organizer for a new word by writing its definition, antonym, synonym, putting the term in your own words & placing the word in a sentence. Other handouts include brainstorming words and unscrambling words.  Students also have the option of using our class Bananagrams (set of letter tiles) to create and build on words by participating in the game of Bananagrams, Scrabble and/or Jeff's Words (a creating words game a friend shared with me).

Now that the students have been introduced to all stations of the Daily 5, we were able to test out a full Daily 5 rotation last week, which means that the students visited all 5 stations at least once.  The students have a checklist in their Daily 5 duos so that they can monitor which stations they need to visit each week as it is important to remember that each station must be visited at least once each week.  I also have my own checklist as well so that I can monitor that the students are visiting all stations.  Which stations they choose on a daily basis is their choice, as is their book choice, which is what makes Daily 5 so appealing to the students!  The pictures below show the photos I took as I walked around the classroom during 1 Daily 5 rotation last week. It is amazing to see all students on task, working hard & enjoying the Daily 5 choice they have made!
Read to Self
Read to Self
Read to Someone
Word Work

Word Work
Work on Writing- Pen Pal letter
Work on Writing- Pen Pal letter
Listen to Reading
- In Media, students continued to work on their group current news presentations:
- In Religion & Art this past week, Ms. O.B introduced October's virtue- GRATITUDE.  The students created colourful turkeys and created a beautiful poem about what they are thankful for.

- For our Biodiversity unit in Science, we visited the ZOO on Friday!  It was a great trip!  We had a 2 hour walking tour where students learned all sorts of interesting facts about biodiversity, followed by an opportunity to touch the stingrays!  We were all exhausted by the end of the trip but it was worth it!  I would have shared more pictures from our Zoo trip, but unfortunately my camera stopped working!

More pics:
Word Work fun!
Love that Edmodo is the top choice!
Thank you for checking out our weekly blog update! Have a great week!
Mrs. Massaro :)