Saturday 27 October 2012

Nothing says "Halloween" like a delicious graph!

Hello students & parents!

I hope you have all had an enjoyable week!

Some Reminders:

- Halloween Dance-a-thon is Tuesday so students get ready to dance, dance, dance! (Thanks DJ007 & CSAC!) Please try & bring in at least $5 for the dance in fundraising by Monday- thanks!  Tuesday is also dress down day.

- Halloween with costumes (if you wish) will be celebrated on Wednesday.  We will be participating in Halloween related Language & Math activities and students will receive a Halloween treat from Student Council!

- Parents, please sign your child's Math test this weekend- thanks.

Weekly Update:

- In Math, we completed Chapter 1- Patterning & students received their Math unit tests back for parent signature & corrections this weekend.  I am happy to report that the class average was 80%, an A-!!  Way to go students!! 

Students also learned how to create a FRAYER MODEL, which is a graphic organizer for understanding a Math term more easily.  Students choose a difficult key term from the Math Word Wall & write its definition, description (how do we use this key term in Math), example & non-example.

We have now moved on to Chapter 3 in Math- Data Management.  We have started our new Math Word Wall & students will be creating Frayer Models for key terms they are struggling with. 

Students should visit these sites to help them with this chapter & frequently visit our Math group on Edmodo: - click on BOTH 'Surf for More Math' & 'Try It Out' for Chapter 3! - this site will be very useful for this chapter! click 'Charts and graphs' & try out the activities!

- In Language, we continue to work with DAILY 5 & CAFE, which means that during Daily 5, I am meeting with small groups of students or individual students to teach specific strategies.  Daily 5 always begins with a mini lesson for the whole class, so for example, this week we focused on writing Halloween Narratives & we discussed PREWRITING- which includes BRAINSTORMING & OUTLINES.  We then moved on to DRAFTING & co-created (students & I) success criteria for writing a suspense draft!

So what this means is that when students choose their Daily 5, they know they must visit 'Work on Writing' a couple of times a week & when they are at this station, they are to work on the determining important ideas graphic organizer based on a current book they have read and/or the brainstorming graphic organizer followed by choosing one of the outline templates and then moving on to drafting in their Writing Workshop notebook.   Students are frequently & briefly conferencing with me about how their writing is going. 
Students also fill out their Daily 5 chart each day so they know which stations they still need to visit throughout the week. They also complete a reflection periodically about how their Daily 5 went that given day!  I am very proud of the students as they are really on task during Daily 5!!


Thank you to all parents for looking through & signing your child's Reading Workshop notebook!  I will be sending this book home once a month so that you can take a look at my feedback.  Students are to write reading responses on recent reads based on the chart of prompts pasted on the inside cover of the book!  Students complete this activity during Daily 5 when other writing work is completed.
- In Media, students have chosen partners & are completing an Edmodo assignment on 'Thinking About Perspective'.  I have pasted the Edmodo assignment here:
For this assignment, you will be working in pairs & finding a current news story that interests you both. Once you have found your current news topic, you will:

- Find an article on 3 different online news sites about the same current event

- List at least 3 similarities & 3 differences between the news sites (for example- one news site must include extra information whereas another site might show a video). Make sure you list the 3 news sites you used & the current news story.

- Which news site offered the most fact- based article and why?

- Which news site offered the most opinion- based article and why?

- Which news site did you prefer and why?

- What do you think is more important in a news story, fact or opinion, and why?

Please post your answers in BOTH your partner & your 'turn in' section.

You will be presenting your assignment using EDMODO- you do not need any other materials such as bristol board.
During Media class this week, I taught the students the different features of PowerPoint & the SMART Notebook, which they have access to at school. 
- In Social Studies, the students will be introduced to Canada's connections to the United States!  In Science, we continue to explore biomes & threats to biomes.  Students are currently working on a Science project through Edmodo, which I have copy & pasted below:
For this assignment, you are the teacher & you will need to create a lesson to teach other students on a BIOME of your choice!

You will have the option of choosing to teach your lesson using video, PowerPoint or SMART Notebook- we will discuss these options in class!

Remember, you want to make sure your lesson is not too wordy, but is really interesting so that students WANT to watch it or view it- include videos & pictures!

Your assignment must include:

- Cover page/intro with your name, date & biome choice
- Detailed information about your biome including what it looks like
- What living things are present, which kingdoms are they part of & whether they are vertebrates/invertebrates
- Risks to this biome & how we can help
- Locations of the biome on a world map
- Pictures, graphs, videos etc...
- Bibliography at the end of your presentation listing which websites & books you used to complete your presentation

Please view the video on BIOMES (posted below) to help you with this assignment. Post reply to this assignment & choose your BIOME & the technology you want to use to present your assignment!

You will click 'turn in' when your assignment is complete & you have saved your technology choice to this assignment under 'turn in'.
- In Health, we continue to investigate HEALTHY LIVING through good food choices!  Students are working on comparing nutrition facts for various common foods they enjoy!
- In Religion, we have completed our focus on Gratitude & are now taking a close look at PEACEMAKING for the month of November.  We continue to explore our relationships with family & friends in Fully Alive.
- In Art, students completed scary Halloween scenes using various materials.  This week, students will be creating a cover page (like a book cover) for their Halloween Narrative!
Congratulations to our new student of the week- GABRIEL & to all Friday raffle winners!
Thank you for reading our weekly update!  I hope everyone has a SAFE & FUN Halloween!!
Enjoy your week,
Mrs Massaro :)