Sunday 4 November 2012

November Calendar!


Media presentations with partner- on 'Thinking About Perspective' when it comes to the ways different news sites share the same current news story . Remember to use good voice tone, eye contact and be confident! Students will be completing peer and self evaluations.

Picture Day- big smiles!! Try not to be absent today!

Math- quiz on chapter 2, lessons 1-4 & unit test on entire chapter coming up.  Review using Nelson Math & Edmodo Math group.  Also check out previous posts on blog where I shared useful Math links. Students are strongly encouraged to attend Math lunch workshops for extra help if needed!
Biome presentations- Science technology incorporated individual presentation using PowerPoint, SMART Notebook or video.  Remember to use good voice tone, eye contact and be confident! Students will be completing self and peer evaluations.

Science quiz- on Biomes!  Listen carefully to presentations on biomes, review Science in class notes & watch biomes video posted on blog & Edmodo for extra reinforcement.

The Science unit test for Biodiversity is coming up! Students are encouraged to carefully review their Science notes and watch again the Science videos on kingdoms, vertebrates, invertebrates and biomes, which are all posted on Edmodo & the blog. Students should also participate in study skills such as creating practice tests, reviewing with a friend or family member, creating study notes and more! I will be posting a blog topic on study skills in the next week or so, so stay tuned!

Reports- parents please look over the report card carefully with your child & please sign up for an interview time either the evening of Thursday November 15th or the morning of Friday November 16th (interview sign-up forms will be going home this week).The students will be presenting their academic portfolio during the first 2-3 minutes of the interview. The academic portfolio is a collection of work that the students put together to share their strengths, favourites and areas of need for the term. Please keep in mind that Friday November 16th is a PD day for the students so no school.

Social Studies quiz #3- students should focus their review on Canada's trading partners & the U.S.

Hotdog day- collecting orders now until Friday November 9th.

Mold experiment- in Science, students were given a mold experiment, which they are working on for 2 weeks at home.  Please ensure the 3 bags of bread are thrown out at the end of the experiment & that your child does not touch the mold.  The students are investigating how different environments and factors affect living things such as mold. Thank you for your support with this experiment parents! 

Cookies & Books- the students will be involved in a 'Book Talk' where they are to share a favourite book they have read recently & I supply some treats.  A list of the books shared will be posted on the blog for your reference! Happy reading!

Thank you for reading!  Please check back often for any calendar changes.
I will be posting our weekly update for last week early this week.

Mrs. Massaro :)