Sunday 11 November 2012


Hello students & parents,

This week, we focused our Language & Religion lessons on Remembrance Day activities.  A few students from our class also led the school in a Remembrance Day Liturgy through prayer, song and poem- thank you Eleseo, Marina and Camila.


- Reports go home Tuesday! Parents, please ensure you carefully read through the report card with your child and discuss goals for this term- thank you for your ongoing support!

- You will receive your interview time in your report card envelope on Tuesday.  I tried my best to make sure you got the time slot you requested & that the time chosen was close to interview times for siblings. Please let me know through the agenda if the time DOES NOT work for you & which times would work better.  Interview times are Thursday November 15th, 5:30-9pm & Friday November 16th, 9:00-11:30am & Friday is a PD day for the students.

- Students will be presenting their academic portfolio during the first couple of minutes of the interview, which is a collection the students put together of their strengths, favourites & areas of need for the term.  For this reason, it is important that your child does attend the interview for at least the first 2-3 minutes- thank you!

- Social Studies quiz on Canada's trading partners & the United States is Tuesday! Students are encouraged to review their notes carefully & ask me or a parent for any help.

- Hot dog day is Wednesday for those who ordered hot dogs! Yum!

- Science biomes presentations using technology will take place Thursday.  I am very excited to see the results of the students' hard work! Students will fill out both self & peer evaluations and write a reflection on what they did well on and what they need to work on for next time once they see their eval from their peers & me.

- Science biomes quiz will take place next week as Friday is a PD day.  Students are encouraged to listen carefully to the presentations on biomes as they offer a great review.

- A reminder to parents to please not bring in edible treats to school for the other students in your child's class due to allergies. We appreciate your support!


- In Math, we continue to explore Ch. 3- Data Management.  Students completed a mid chapter quiz, which they will be getting back early this week- so far so good!!

Students continue to work on Frayer Models for Math terms they struggle with- they are really understanding how the Frayer Model helps them understand a word more clearly, which is great! 

Students worked in groups on the success criteria for the '4 steps to successful problem solving'.  I was so impressed with their success criteria! It truly is amazing how well the students can work & learn together!

- In Language, we have begun a new comprehension strategy called ASKING QUESTIONS. Students are encouraged to think of questions before, during & after reading a book.  The questions should be rich, thoughtful, reflective questions rather than questions that answer the 5 W's.
Our focus this week was Remembrance Day & during Daily 5, students could choose any of the following 3 stations:
Read to Self- reading newspaper articles on Remembrance Day & responding to 'Asking Questions'.
Read to Others- reading newspaper articles with a partner on Remembrance Day & responding to 'Asking Questions'.
Work on Writing- writing a thank you note to a veteran, conferencing with me & writing the note on a postcard, which was mailed this week, thanks to Ms. Martino.
I am so happy to report that the students dedication to our Remembrance Day activities was just amazing!  The effort they put in these above activities spoke to the fact that they understand how important Remembrance Day is.  I am proud of you students!

- In Religion, we learned about Remembrance Day through discussion and prayer and students participated in a school liturgy devoted to our veterans.

- In the Social Sciences, we are reaching the end of our units on Biodiversity and Economics.  We continue to work as a class on the comprehension strategy, 'determining important ideas' by highlighting what we believe is important rather than interesting, so that we have great study notes to refer to for test time! This is a big week for the Social Sciences as mentioned in reminders, as there is a quiz in Social Studies on Tuesday & Science biome presentations on Thursday- good luck to all students- try your best & you will do great!

- In Art, students continue to work on their book cover pages for their mystery stories.  I am looking forward to sharing the final product!

- In Health, students continue to work on healthy living, in particular, healthy eating and awareness of the food groups and nutrition labels.

- Congratulations to our student of the week from last week, MARIA & this week, ELESEO & to all Friday raffle winners!

Thank you for reading! I am looking forward to meeting all parents this week during interviews!

Mrs. Massaro :)