Saturday 24 August 2013

A New School Year! 2013/14

Hello students & parents,

Welcome back! I hope that you had an enjoyable summer and are ready for GRADE 6! I am looking forward to this year with you all!

Please check this blog often as most of our communication will take place on the blog, rather than newsletters sent home. In order to receive an email as to when the next blog update arrives,  parents, please enter your email where it says 'Follow by Email'. There will likely be a blog update each week. These blog posts will consist of class and school reminders and updates. I will also be sharing useful & fun educational websites and technology that your child can use from home and at school.

Please click the following video I created about the blog:

On the first day of school, your child will come home with a COMMUNICATION DUO. Please ask to see this duo often as when I require a parent signature for a school newsletter, permission form or assessment, this is where it will be and should be returned after it is signed. Please check the duo after the first day of school as there is a package from me for you to look through carefully and sign.

In the package, I have asked you to fill out an information form about your child and consent forms for your child's school work and pictures (no face view) on the blog and your child's permission to use Edmodo, our online class.  Please check out Edmodo at  and watch the DEMO as to how Edmodo works. It is an amazing safe site for 21st learning and we will be using it for every subject! I hope to have Edmodo up and running by the second week of school. Students will demonstrate how Edmodo works at Curriculum Night!

Please start checking out the 'Must See Websites' on the right side of this blog with your child as there are some really fun/educational sites listed! I will be adding to the list throughout the year.

Finally, please watch this important video about internet safety with your child:

Have a great first week back! Feel free to contact me at with any questions.

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to sign up for 'Follow by Email' and check back soon!

Mrs Massaro