Wednesday 4 September 2013

Badges & Achievement Day!

Hello students & parents!

This year, the students will be working towards getting BADGES on Edmodo to encourage a successful and enjoyable year. The badges will be awarded on Edmodo and at the end of each month, our class will celebrate ACHIEVEMENT DAY. Achievement Day will be a celebration of the badges earned by receiving free time. Please ask your child to explain each badge as we discussed them in class.

Please take a look at the possible badge options and the free time options:


Batting 1000!
Congrats! You had no strikes this month! (10 POINTS-Strikes are a result of incomplete homework and behaviour issues).


Brownie Point!
Congrats! Another adult had something good to say about you! (10 POINTS)


Random Act of Kindness!
Congrats! Your teacher noticed you did something extra special for someone! (10 POINTS)


Playground Protector!
Congrats! You looked out for someone in the playground! (10 POINTS)


Good Sport!
Congrats! You made sure everyone was included during recess! (10 POINTS)


Eco Icon!
Congrats! You began an environmentally-friendly initiative! (10 POINTS)


Cleaning Pro!
Congrats! Your desk, book bin and personal space were always tidy this month! (10 POINTS)


High Achiever!
Congrats! You took the initiative and asked for extra help! (10 POINTS)


High Flier!
Congrats! You were tops in the class on a test or assignment! (10 POINTS)


Congrats! You improved your Math mark this month! (10 POINTS)


Congrats! You improved your Language mark this month! (10 POINTS)


Congrats! You improved your Social Studies mark this month! (10 POINTS)


Congrats! You improved your Science mark this month! (10 POINTS)


Congrats! You improved your Music mark this month! (10 POINTS)


Congrats! You improved your French mark this month! (10 POINTS)


Congrats! You spoke up against bullying! (10 POINTS)

E For Effort!
Congrats! Your teacher noticed you working extra hard this month! (10 POINTS)


Edmodo Idol!
Congrats! You consistently participated on Edmodo this month! (10 POINTS)


Congrats! You frequently participated in class discussions this month! (10 POINTS)


Group Guru!
Congrats! You helped guide your group without taking over! (10 POINTS)


Lone Star!
Congrats! You were able to work well quietly and independently this month! (10 POINTS)


Law-Abiding Citizen!
Congrats! You followed all school and class rules this month! (10 POINTS)



10 points= 10 free minutes

20 points= 20 free minutes

30 points= 30 free minutes........

60 points= 1 hour!!


Computer time

Library corner/reading

Board Games

Hang with a friend in our class

Personal electronics (must have parent consent)

Trade in for goodies

Visit another class (other teacher must ok it)

 Good luck to all students! Remember that your school year depends on the choices you make, your attitude and effort. Be positive, be honest, be kind, try your best and have fun!
A video to enjoy & think about:

Thank you,

Mrs. Massaro