Sunday 22 September 2013

Welcome Fall!

Hello students & parents & all things pumpkin!

We have now completed 3 weeks and the students are getting more used to our daily routines. This week, we introduced Social Studies and Science, in addition to Language, Math and Religion, which we began the first couple of weeks. You will find that most of our work for the Social Sciences is done through Edmodo, so please check Edmodo often with your child. Many of the reminders below are from last week's post as they still apply, but there are a few new ones so please read through:


- There will be construction taking place in our schoolyard beginning September 30th, so for this reason, our dismissal and arrival procedures will be changed starting this week to prepare the students. During the morning recess from 8-8:30am, students will remain in the hallway area outside of our classroom as the field is not used during this time and the yard will be under construction. In terms of entry into the school after recess and dismissals, students will be asked to line-up near the field and we will enter or leave the school by the stairwell near the Community Centre.

- It would be greatly appreciated if you could provide exact change for pizza orders and any other times we need to collect money. Thank you!!

- Our school Terry Fox walk will take place this Thursday. Thank you to those who have donated $2! Please ensure your child has returned their permission form for the walk- I have written a reminder in the agendas of those students who need to return this form still.

- Curriculum Night is OCTOBER 3rd, 6-7PM! Unfortunately, the BBQ has been cancelled due to the construction. Please try to attend Curriculum Night @ 6pm!

- Dress Down Day is September 27!

- P.A. Day Friday October 11th & Thanksgiving Day is Monday October 14th.

- On Edmodo, there will be posts in every subject each week. Please note that there will be a weekly Media assignment to complete online and most other subjects will have weekly discussions and assignments so please check often!

- Nelson Online: students are to complete an online Nelson activity for Math most nights. These activities correspond to the lesson taught in class. I will post the Nelson links in the Math group on Edmodo.

- The students are now on Mangahigh, which is an amazing Game Based Math site! The challenges and games are linked to the ON curriculum. Your child was given a user name/password and will work on challenges each week in class and hopefully at home. So if you notice your child enjoying online Math games at home, this is a good thing!

- NUT FREE ZONE: parents, please ensure your child does not come to school with any nut products as we have a few serious nut allergies at our school. Also, please do not send your child with edible treats for the class, even if it is for their birthday, instead, if you wish to bring a treat for the class, please bring non edible items- thank you so much for your support!

- Uniforms: parents, please ensure your child is wearing the proper uniform at school. As the weather gets cooler, please make sure your child is dressed warmly in uniform appropriate colours- thank you!

- Food Bank @ Richview Baptist Church (1548 Kipling Avenue) every Sunday 2:30-4:30pm for any families in need. Food Bank items include fresh vegetables & fruit, milk, canned goods, pasta, rice and other items at NO COST. Please share the news!


- The students are working towards their individual badges for great behaviour as we will be celebrating these badges during our Achievement Day at the end of the month. The students are also aware of our Strike System, which means that each month, students have a warning and 3 strikes available and if all are used by the end of the month, then parents will be notified and consequences will follow such as privileges taken away. Students can receive strikes for actions such as homework incompletion, inappropriate behaviour and not following school and class procedures. At the start of a new month, all previous strikes are removed and students have a fresh start.

- In Language, we continue to work on the DAILY CAFE, particularly the Read to Self station. I am super impressed with my students as they are doing really well with this station and they are building their reading stamina! We had a big honest discussion about what we sometimes don't like about reading and we tried to figure out ways to solve these problems so that we enjoyed reading more. The students are becoming very independent at choosing just right books for their book bins and logging what they have been reading on their reading log sheet.

The FAV reading spot in the class!

Busy reading!

Trying to solve reading problems!
- In Media, we continue to explore DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP through videos about being kind online and avoiding and reporting cyberbullying. We watch videos in class and on Edmodo on being a kind digital citizen and students discuss and work on assignments about this through Edmodo.

- In Math, we are completing Chapter 1- Patterns in Mathematics this week. Students had a quiz this past week so please look for a quiz to sign this week. Students should be on Nelson Online and Mangahigh most nights reviewing lessons in class through online practice and games!

- As mentioned previously, we have started Social Studies and Science this week! In Science, we are studying Biodiversity and the students watched an excellent 'Bill Nye the Science Guy' video all about biodiversity, which the students really enjoyed! In Social Studies, we looked at mapping and are beginning our unit on Canada's Interactions with the Global Community.

- In Religion, we are reflecting on the virtue Hospitality and what it means to be hospitable. The students are working on an 'I am from' poem and recently completed a letter to Terry Fox.

Popsicle treat on a hot Friday!

Thank you for reading our weekly blog post! Please remember to 'follow by email' on the blog so that the new blog updates are emailed to you- thanks!
Enjoy your week,

Mrs Massaro