Sunday 8 September 2013

New Beginnings!

Hello students & parents,

I hope that you are enjoying your first weekend of the new school year!  We had a good first week reviewing and learning new class procedures and routines.  The students have started writing in their Journals, and our Daily Cafe, which is a Language program, has begun. We discussed how to choose JUST RIGHT books rather than easy or challenging books, and the students enjoyed choosing books to fill their individual book bins from the hundreds of books in our class library. The students are also working on an "I am from" poem, which is a poem all about them!

This week, I will be signing up the students on Edmodo, which means most subjects will begin this week. Please check your child's Edmodo account frequently to check out what they are working on. You will notice that your child will want to get on the home computer almost every night to work on Edmodo. Students will also be able to work on Edmodo at school, thanks to my brother who donated laptops for our classroom!! I will also be signing up the students on Mangahigh, which is an amazing Math site filled with Math games and activities, which link to our curriculum. Please encourage your child to get on Edmodo & Mangahigh this week to get some practice with these sites- I thank you for your support! I will be posting a video on how to use Edmodo & Mangahigh on the blog hopefully in the next week or two, so please look out for it!

Students will be participating in our initial Language assessments this week. We administer Language assessments in September and February to keep track of individual student needs and strengths.

We will also be discussing the concept of Digital Citizenship in class this week, which includes:

  • Being kind online- understanding your words are powerful online, just as they are offline.
  • Netiquette- how students can be clear and thoughtful communicators online.
  • Smart Searching- the basics of searching online and how to avoid false/inappropriate material.
  • Safety Smarts- protecting yourself and your personal information online.
  • Digital Citizen- what characteristics make someone a good digital citizen.
Please watch this video on your DIGITAL FOOTPRINT and discuss with your child:


  • Curriculum Night will take place Thursday October 3rd in the evening- please try to attend as I am looking forward to meeting you all and we would like to share how Edmodo works during this time!
  • Gym will take place on Mondays so please ensure your child brings running shoes and gym clothes if possible on Mondays. Ms. Rudy will be teaching Gym.
  • French will take place the first period of every day from 8:30am- 9:05am. Mme Orelana will be teaching French.
  • Violin will take place every Wednesday and Friday from 10:30am- 11:15am. Mrs O'Kane will be teaching Violin.
  • Library will take place every Thursday, the last period of the day. Mrs. Nicolucci will be leading Library.

Thank you to all parents for returning all forms so quickly! I appreciate your support! Please continue to check your child's agenda and Communication Duo frequently, especially in September.

Have a wonderful week and please 'follow by email' on the blog if you haven't done so already. Thank you to those who are already following!

Thank you for reading,

Mrs Massaro