Sunday 15 September 2013

Back in School Mode!

Hello students, parents & cooler weather!!

We are back in school mode and have officially started Edmodo! I am so happy that my students love going on Edmodo and are enjoying learning in a 21st century kind of way.  If you haven't done so already, please check out the Edmodo 'how to' videos, which can be found in a previous post on this blog so that you familiarize yourself with Edmodo and how it works. Parents, please also check your child's Edmodo account often so that you are aware of the work your child is doing online- thank you!


- Edmodo:  2 Media discussions and 1 Media assignment on Digital Citizenship is due tomorrow. I have extended the due date so that students who were unable to go online this weekend can work on these items in class tomorrow.

- Nelson Online:  students are to complete an online Nelson activity for Math most nights. These activities correspond to the lesson taught in class. I will post the Nelson links in the Math group on Edmodo.

- The students are now on Mangahigh, which is an amazing Game Based Math site! The challenges and games are linked to the ON curriculum. Your child was given a username/password and will work on challenges each week in class and hopefully at home. So if you notice your child enjoying online Math games at home, this is a good thing!

- NUT FREE ZONE:  parents, please ensure your child does not come to school with any nut products as we have a few serious nut allergies at our school. Also, please do not send your child with edible treats for the class, even if it is for their birthday, instead, if you wish to bring a treat for the class, please bring non edible items- thank you so much for your support!

- Uniforms:  parents, please ensure your child is wearing the proper uniform at school. As the weather gets cooler, please make sure your child is dressed warmly in uniform appropriate colours- thank you!

- Terry Fox Walk:  thanks to Ms. Huntley, we will be participating in a Terry Fox Walk on September 26th!  We are asking for a $2 donation- thank you. Please return the permission form by this week.

- Dress Down Day is September 27!

- Food Bank @ Richview Baptist Church (1548 Kipling Avenue) every Sunday 2:30-4:30pm for any families in need. Food Bank items include fresh vegetables & fruit, milk, canned goods, pasta, rice and other items at NO COST. Please share the news!

- Curriculum Night/Family BBQ:  October 3rd, 4-6pm. Please try to attend!

- P.A. Day Friday October 11th & Thanksgiving Day is Monday October 14th.


- As mentioned above, we have officially started Edmodo! The students are learning about Digital Citizenship for Media, by viewing videos about how we should strive to be online:  being kind online, being safe online, knowing how to search online and how to be a good digital citizen.

Please check out this video on the ups and downs of a digital world. The students' Media assignment is on this video:

Using Edmodo in the classroom

- In Math, we have begun Chapter 1- Patterns in Mathematics. Students are using Nelson Online and Mangahigh, which are both online sites for Math, to help them reinforce the lessons taught in class.

Our Math Word Wall, which we are constantly adding to

Mangahigh multiplication challenge with another school- the students loved this!

Students taking charge of the tech in our class for a Math lesson!

- In Language, we have launched our DAILY CAFE, which is our Language program for the year. In the Daily Cafe, students visit different Language stations:  Read to Self, Read to Someone, Listen to Reading, Work on Writing and Word Work. While most students are at their chosen Language station, I work with small strategy groups and conferencing one on one for Language development.

This past week, the students and I discussed how to choose JUST RIGHT books, rather than too easy or too challenging books. The students chose their own books for their book bins, which they were really excited about. We also discussed the different ways we read books. Towards the end of the week, we discussed out first Daily Cafe station- READ TO SELF. I am super proud of my students as they did well with this station, especially for their first time!


Finding your own spot for Read to Self

Your own desk for Read to Self


Getting ready for our Terry Fox Walk!

Religion activity on our kaliedoscope of feelings within us

Thank you so much for taking the time to read the blog! Please remember to 'follow by email' on the blog so that the new blog updates are emailed to you- thanks!

Have a wonderful week,

Mrs Massaro