Tuesday 23 April 2013

For the love of haikus, limericks & e-waste!

Hello students & parents!

Thank you for visiting! Please keep checking the blog for updates each week and visit your child's Edmodo account once a week to keep informed as to what activities are posted as we use Edmodo daily for every subject. We are certainly moving more and more towards a paperless classroom!


Scientist in the School- Electricity Workshop this Thursday PM!

Subway orders due this Friday- yum!

Limerick poetry assignment due on Edmodo this Friday.

EQAO practice questions due on Edmodo this Sunday.

Music concert at school with the 6's performing the violin: Thurs. May 16th PM.

Science final quiz on Space/Space PBL presentations will take place on Monday.


- In Math, we have completed both chapters 9 & 10- multiplying and dividing decimals. Final results will be sent home soon and I will be setting up Math lunch workshops and a re-test for students who need extra practice.  Most students were able to multiply and divide decimals with little trouble and learned that the key to these chapters is knowing the multiplication tables very well! I strongly encourage students who need more practice to use sites such as Mangahigh, IXL, Nelson Online and Prodigy for extra reinforcement! These sites can be found on the right side of the blog.

We are starting chapter 11, 3-D Geometry and 3-D Measurement this week, so for a solid review, students should practice using these sites:

Mangahigh: practice the challenges & games I have set up for our class. Try a different challenge each day and get your gold medals!! http://www.mangahigh.com

Nelson Online:  work on all activities for chapter 11: http://www.nelson.com/nelson/school/elementary/mathK8/math6/studentcentre/studtryout.html#ch11

IXL: work on all below activities:


- In Language, we continue to explore beautiful poems! Our focus the last two weeks has been on Haikus and Limericks! The students are enjoying writing poetry and making inferences about the poems they read during Daily 5.

The students also continued to work on their procedural report about their Art PBL presentation by brainstorming, working on an outline, conferencing with a peer and me and now we are working on the draft.

- In Science, students finally presented the much anticipated SPACE PBL projects and we were not disappointed!! I want to congratulate all students for completing your first official PBL experience. I know you all faced some challenges as PBL is a new concept in education, but you did it and you should be proud! I will be creating a separate post this week on the Space PBL projects so check back then!

- In Art, AlexV, Joshua & Keon led our first ART PBL lesson! They decided to make their real world problem about oil spills and the damage they cause to our environment and living things. The boys chose to teach the class how to create a scene showing what oil spills do using oil pastels. Way to go group!!

- In Health & Art, students completed their abstract painting against drugs! It is truly amazing to see the creative talent in my students! The idea was to create a painting split in half- one side demonstrates a healthy mind and the other half demonstrates a mind tainted by drugs. More pics to come as students are still completing this activity!


A special thank you to all who donated e-waste! We had quite the pile of e-waste (approximately 8000 pounds!!) and we are crossing our fingers that our school wins a new computer lab- we need it!  All e-waste will be safely recycled by a company called GEEP. What a great cause for Earth Day! Thank you to Mrs O-Connor for organzing this amazing initiative!

Thanks again for reading our class blog! Please check back this week for a post devoted to our Space PBL presentations!

Mrs Massaro :)